I wanted to post about the dream that I had last night. I would say that my dream would go for a good horror flick as thats what it almost felt like. (Mind you I am sick, and have a head cold at the moment. So it could be the ty Cold medicine kicking in)
My dream began as thus.
I was cleaning my house. And I came across this brown statue. I had found the statue under my sink cabinet. The statue was all brown carved out of a wood/metal material. It was more of that type of laqour brown that is used on furniture and waxes. The actual look of a statue was a elderly robed man with his robes flowing over his head down to his feet. His actual eyes were closed and his mouth open. His hands were at his pelvis closed within one another.
Since I had never seen this statue before, I had asked my husband about it and he said that he had not seen it before either. I ran my fingers up and down the statue looking for possibly a treasure, or opening as it may have had one. I found none which did not surprise me.
I had brought the statue to my work, which I work at a school. I had brought it to the art department and see if they could identify it. No one could at all. I then brought it to the History Department which was not that far away. They had taken it for a few days and looked it up in their history books. . They said it was from a long time ago. This particular statue, was one of the devils creations. Or rather his minions. He said that this particular statue with the correct inscriptions read from a special book could bring this minion to life, back to life rather.
I was rather surprised at what I had heard. To be honest, I really couldn't believe my ears. Well in my curiosity as in any horror flick, I wanted to find the correct inscriptions to read. The professor said that its from a special book only found in the museum of history in DC. I had ordered a copy of the book online and received it in a few days.
And had tried to pronounce the actual sayings. It was written in something between Hebrew and Arabic. I can read Hebrew, but not Arabic. I worked on these sayings for a few days, and was able to get it one night.
When I had finalized the last words in the scripture, more or less it gets blurry here. This man appears in smoke of course. He was speaking in English, more or less in a demonic tone of voice. He asked who I was and I said to him whom I was. He asked me why I had released him from his chambers, and I said I found your statue under my sink bathroom, with no idea how it got there.
He smiled and said "Thank you for releasing me from my chambers and pitfall"
And his smile is the one most important thing that I remember about this dream. Have you ever seen a rats mouth with its teeth. Or a cats mouth. Well, imagine that ^^,, like that so. Sharp razor fangs that lept out of his mouth. It looked like he had 300 teeth in his mouth up and down and up and down. Scary as that thought may pass your mind, It passed through mine as well.
This demonic figure then started to question me on persons that I had not known, or even herd of. He asked me the year and I told him its 2007, August. He said that he had been frozen in his chambers, since thousands of years ago, close to the time them Israelites came to Egypt. (now thats a long freaking time. )
A lot of this here gets blurry but I remember the most parts. This man can turn himself into a mouse or a rat if thats what it was. I was so stunned by his mouth and teeth that I captured this rat. Now Imagine having this rat bite you with its teeth. That would most definitely hurt.
I brought this rat again to my work to see if it can be analyzed. they said that they only take rats and mice from certain companies that breed them for studies and so forth. I had literally begged them to take it and hold it. I said to the demon for him to smile at the laboratory worker. He showed his teeth, and the laboratory worker almost fainted. He said he wasn't sure how long he can keep the rat but he will try to run some studies on him.
I came back the next day and found the demon loose on the floor. I also found the laboratory assistant on the floor covered in blood. The rat had blood all over its mouth and face. I did pick it up and he tried very hard to bite me. He succeeded and ran into the next room. I ran after the rat and followed him into the next room trying to catch it as best as I could. The room was circular with some doors on 4 sides. The man came out of his rat phaseshift and became the first image I saw of that statue in the robes. Be began praying or calling out to others. I couldn't understand.
He wanted to thank me for releasing him into the new world, from the underworld. and he smiled again with his razor fang sharp teeth. He said he was a vampire from the underworld and now he has been released to the new world to begin a new life.
He said that he would not harm me or my husband as I had released him from the underworld, but to be wary that I might make future mistakes in which he would bring a visit as a reminder.
I had run out of the room and contacted the first history professor about that original statue and what it really meant. He said that it was a vampire god. More or less an idol of a vampire god.
Told him what had happened and if there was a way to fix it. to put him back in his statue. He said it is possible but I would have to contact several people from the Museum of history.
I tried calling and at that point I woke up.
My dream began as thus.
I was cleaning my house. And I came across this brown statue. I had found the statue under my sink cabinet. The statue was all brown carved out of a wood/metal material. It was more of that type of laqour brown that is used on furniture and waxes. The actual look of a statue was a elderly robed man with his robes flowing over his head down to his feet. His actual eyes were closed and his mouth open. His hands were at his pelvis closed within one another.
Since I had never seen this statue before, I had asked my husband about it and he said that he had not seen it before either. I ran my fingers up and down the statue looking for possibly a treasure, or opening as it may have had one. I found none which did not surprise me.
I had brought the statue to my work, which I work at a school. I had brought it to the art department and see if they could identify it. No one could at all. I then brought it to the History Department which was not that far away. They had taken it for a few days and looked it up in their history books. . They said it was from a long time ago. This particular statue, was one of the devils creations. Or rather his minions. He said that this particular statue with the correct inscriptions read from a special book could bring this minion to life, back to life rather.
I was rather surprised at what I had heard. To be honest, I really couldn't believe my ears. Well in my curiosity as in any horror flick, I wanted to find the correct inscriptions to read. The professor said that its from a special book only found in the museum of history in DC. I had ordered a copy of the book online and received it in a few days.
And had tried to pronounce the actual sayings. It was written in something between Hebrew and Arabic. I can read Hebrew, but not Arabic. I worked on these sayings for a few days, and was able to get it one night.
When I had finalized the last words in the scripture, more or less it gets blurry here. This man appears in smoke of course. He was speaking in English, more or less in a demonic tone of voice. He asked who I was and I said to him whom I was. He asked me why I had released him from his chambers, and I said I found your statue under my sink bathroom, with no idea how it got there.
He smiled and said "Thank you for releasing me from my chambers and pitfall"
And his smile is the one most important thing that I remember about this dream. Have you ever seen a rats mouth with its teeth. Or a cats mouth. Well, imagine that ^^,, like that so. Sharp razor fangs that lept out of his mouth. It looked like he had 300 teeth in his mouth up and down and up and down. Scary as that thought may pass your mind, It passed through mine as well.
This demonic figure then started to question me on persons that I had not known, or even herd of. He asked me the year and I told him its 2007, August. He said that he had been frozen in his chambers, since thousands of years ago, close to the time them Israelites came to Egypt. (now thats a long freaking time. )
A lot of this here gets blurry but I remember the most parts. This man can turn himself into a mouse or a rat if thats what it was. I was so stunned by his mouth and teeth that I captured this rat. Now Imagine having this rat bite you with its teeth. That would most definitely hurt.
I brought this rat again to my work to see if it can be analyzed. they said that they only take rats and mice from certain companies that breed them for studies and so forth. I had literally begged them to take it and hold it. I said to the demon for him to smile at the laboratory worker. He showed his teeth, and the laboratory worker almost fainted. He said he wasn't sure how long he can keep the rat but he will try to run some studies on him.
I came back the next day and found the demon loose on the floor. I also found the laboratory assistant on the floor covered in blood. The rat had blood all over its mouth and face. I did pick it up and he tried very hard to bite me. He succeeded and ran into the next room. I ran after the rat and followed him into the next room trying to catch it as best as I could. The room was circular with some doors on 4 sides. The man came out of his rat phaseshift and became the first image I saw of that statue in the robes. Be began praying or calling out to others. I couldn't understand.
He wanted to thank me for releasing him into the new world, from the underworld. and he smiled again with his razor fang sharp teeth. He said he was a vampire from the underworld and now he has been released to the new world to begin a new life.
He said that he would not harm me or my husband as I had released him from the underworld, but to be wary that I might make future mistakes in which he would bring a visit as a reminder.
I had run out of the room and contacted the first history professor about that original statue and what it really meant. He said that it was a vampire god. More or less an idol of a vampire god.
Told him what had happened and if there was a way to fix it. to put him back in his statue. He said it is possible but I would have to contact several people from the Museum of history.
I tried calling and at that point I woke up.
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