Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Years Resolution

Well You know how everyone decides to make new years resolutions and never keeps them.
Dieting, smoking, "I swear I will quit today and this year never to do it again!"
Drinking and driving" I swear I will quit today and this year never to do it again!"

So I have decided myself to make my own new years resolution

Yup you guessed it, never again and always this year!!

So this year you can call me corny all you want.

I have decided to give back, as much as I can this year. So my new years resolution has been more of that flavor, a pay it back. I will be nice this year. I will be polite and courteous
Think about when your driving and someone has their signal on and boots right in front of you, or cuts you off while driving maybe. Hey thats ok. no big deal

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